Geoff Miller

Archive for January, 2010|Monthly archive page

Case Study: Stressed Out Athletes

In Case Studies using TAIS on January 30, 2010 at 7:07 pm

I’ve posted a case study at and I wanted to share it with my baseball readers.  This case study is about a Division I College football player, but the profile and my summary would be similar regardless of the sport this athlete played.  The combination of level of stress and introverted, quiet personality style made this case interesting to me and I’ve written it up to call attention to the “quiet athlete”.  Quiet athletes won’t just volunteer information on how they are doing, especially when they are worried or stressed.  And talking about their worries can be more worrisome than the worries themselves, which is why stress levels can build quickly when these athletes feel pressure.  Here’s a link to the case study:

Click Here to read about this stressed out athlete.

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Geoff Miller’s book, Intangibles: Big-League Stories and Strategies for Winning the Mental Game — in Baseball and in Life, will be released in August, 2012. For more information and free sample chapters, please visit:

For more information on using TAIS with your players, please contact Geoff Miller at